Listen to our music

THE WAY YOU WANTFlashing rainbow GIF of the word 'NEW!'

Animated GIF of The Way You Want cover art rotatingListen to our new singleAnimated GIF of headphones
Animated GIF of a spinning video tapeWatch the music videoAnimated GIF of The Way You Want music video clip


Animated GIF of the Powderpaint EP rotatingListen to our new EPAnimated GIF of headphones

Animated GIF of headphonesOur songs are available to download or pay-what-you-want from BandcampBandcamp

Animated GIF of headphonesAlternatively, all our music is available to stream on SpotifySpotify

Animated GIF of headphonesWe're also on SoundcloudSoundcloud

Animated GIF of a men-at-work sign
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